Continental celebrates 20 years in Silao

SILAO – The technology company Continental celebrated the 20th anniversary of its Silao-FIPASI plant, which has been characterized by its high quality in manufacturing and developing state-of-the-art technologies for the automotive industry.
The company started operations in 2001 with the start-up of the first line of ABS sensors and employing 60 people. Over the years, thanks to the trust gained with its customers and the quality work done, the infrastructure, machinery and personnel of the plant have been growing steadily.
In order to commemorate these first 20 years of Continental Silao-FIPASI, a hybrid event was held, following all the necessary prevention measures against COVID-19, where Continental's worldwide executives were able to live virtually with the people who have made this permanence possible: the employees.
“I am extremely proud of what this team has achieved, we have moved forward and managed to remain successful all these years. The most important thing for us is to know that our plant is a key piece for the future of our company in Mexico and the world,” said Sergio Márquez, Plant Manager.
Source: Cluster Industrial