Córdova-Américas bridge modernization project progress reviewed

JUAREZ, CHIH - In order to learn about the modernization project of the Cordova-Americas International Bridge, the Mayor of Juarez, Cruz Perez Cuellar and the Texan Congresswoman, Veronica Escobar held a meeting with authorities from both sides of the border at the facilities of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in El Paso.
“There is a very important investment by the U.S. Government to modernize the Bridge of the Americas and today we are looking at the implications it could have on traffic and the relationship between both cities,” explained Cruz Perez Cuellar.
During the meeting it was emphasized that although the project is planned to begin in three more years, it is important to generate collaboration with authorities on both sides of the border because of the direct impact on the binational economy that the modernization of the crossing would have.
“The other implication involves the State Government and is the management of some type of work that can help us divert traffic from the Zaragoza Bridge to Guadalupe-Tornillo, which is a new work that is practically not being used,” commented Perez Cuellar.
The main purpose of the project is to modernize the bridge's Port of Entry facilities to correct some deficiencies, which is expected to begin in 2026.
The table was attended by the Consul General of Mexico in El Paso, Mauricio Ibarra Ponce de Leon; Congresswoman Veronica Escobar; the coordinator of Administration and Project Control of the Municipality, Enrique Licon; the director of the Municipal Institute of Research and Planning of the Municipality, Roberto Mora and Councilwoman Tania Maldonado.
Also in attendance were Jorge Sanchez, head of Customs in Ciudad Juarez and representatives of the Chihuahua Border Bridge Trust.
The U.S. Government was represented by the Mayor of El Paso, Oscar Leeser, and representatives from the General Services Administration (GSA), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC).