Daimler Trucks incorporates telematics, tracking and diagnostics tool

MEXICO – In order to continue contributing to business profitability and road safety, Daimler Truck makes Enlace Freightliner available to its customers, now in the FL360 715 models, with which they will be able to analyze the performance of their fleet.
Enlace Freightliner integrates three systems in one: telematics, tracking and diagnostics. Its intelligence allows you to visualize and control the entire fleet on a single screen to understand its status and behavior. The tool's architecture alerts on irregular breaks, thus helping in reducing the risk of theft, preventing failures, reducing losses and optimizing performance, all done in real time to reduce customers' operating costs.
"With this integration in our most compact truck, last mile delivery operations can be supported, by accessing the full potential of tracking with route deviation alerts, too much time stopped and arrival notifications to points of interest ", detailed Jorge Vargas, director of Market Development and Product Portfolio.
Enlace Freigthliner is also compatible with DriverCOACH, a tool that seeks to reduce imminent collisions and promotes the improvement of driving habits by detecting risky behaviors that traditional telematics cannot; such as constant distractions, operator fatigue, beverage consumption or cell phone use while driving.
"With this innovation, the FL360 715 vehicles will join the more than 14,000 trucks of our brand that today already circulate with Enlace Freightliner in Mexico, and in Daimler Truck Mexico, we take another step in our technology strategy to provide solutions that support the operation of our customers' businesses," Vargas added.
Enlace Freightliner is now available for all FL360 715s with Euro V or Euro VI emissions levels through the Freightliner Dealer Network.