Delicias to rehabilitate industrial park to attract companies

DELICIAS, CHIH - The Municipal Planning Institute (Implan) of Delicias, Chihuahua, informed that it will carry out actions to attract companies to the local industrial park of 200 hectares, located south of the city.
The objective is to generate interest in advanced technology firms, which will generate jobs. For this reason, municipal and state authorities initiated urban works to facilitate the arrival of new companies.
In this regard, Eduardo Ochoa Carrasco, president of Implan's Governing Board, pointed out that this project is only one of seven that will be implemented in Delicias.
"With the nearshoring trend, it is important to reactivate this space, since companies are returning from Asia to Mexico," he said.
The businessman added that meetings have already been held with the Secretary of Economy of the State Government, the Federal Electricity Commission and the Water Board.
The Municipal Planning Institute (Implan) of Delicias, Chihuahua, informed that it will carry out actions to attract companies to the local industrial park of 200 hectares, located south of the city.
The objective is to generate interest in advanced technology firms, which will generate jobs. For this reason, municipal and state authorities initiated urban works to facilitate the arrival of new companies.
In this regard, Eduardo Ochoa Carrasco, president of Implan's Governing Board, pointed out that this project is only one of seven that will be implemented in Delicias.
"With the nearshoring trend, it is important to reactivate this space, since companies are returning from Asia to Mexico," he said.
The businessman added that meetings have already been held with the Secretary of Economy of the State Government, the Federal Electricity Commission and the Water Board.
"Our plan is to reactivate the polygon and bring industry 4.0, which is the one that generates labor and very well paid jobs," he remarked.