Denso invests US$9.8 million in Silao

SILAO - The governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, and Japanese Tier 1 global supplier Denso, announced the start-up of its third expansion at the Silao plant.
Denso will build a new warehouse with an initial investment of US$9.8 million, where automotive components such as alternators, windshield wipers, air conditioning equipment, and radiators will be produced and stored.
"In Guanajuato we share with Denso the passion for innovation, we want to detonate private investment in innovation projects and scientific and technological development, among many other initiatives. I am sure that this path of collaboration will continue and we will find more points to work together," said the Governor.
On the other hand, Denso executives thanked the state government for its support to continue with investments that detonate employment and the state's economy.
The event was attended by Yoshiki Ishihara, vice president of DENSO, Bajio region; Hiromasa Hakamada, president of DENSO Mexico; and Seiji Maeda, president of DENSO North America.
Source: Cluster Industrial