DUAL Borgstena invests US$15 million to set up in Coahuila

The automotive company Dual Borgstena started the construction of its plant in Monclova, Coahuila, a project in which it will invest US$15 million.
During the ceremony, the governor of the state, Manolo Jiménez, highlighted that with its arrival, the Korean capital company will generate 1,000 jobs in the state, 300 in the first stage.
He also emphasized that the state and municipal governments are carrying out a plan to improve the infrastructure, security and urban image of Monclova, with resources of US$15.1 million to promote the arrival of this type of investment.
He added that in the Centro-Desierto region, works are being carried out that will benefit the arrival of foreign capital, such as the widening of Carlos Salinas Boulevard, a very important roadway.
We are also working to strengthen the security model, as well as the rehabilitation and construction of barracks for the state police and the Mexican Army in strategic points of the state”, he commented.
At the ceremony to lay the first stone of Dual Borgstena, he thanked its directors for trusting in the state and reiterated his commitment to generate the best conditions for the success of the companies located in Coahuila.
The new facilities will be dedicated to the manufacture of textiles and moldings for vehicles, both for light and truck interiors and baby car seats.