Eaglerise Net Electric invests in Coahuila

RAMOS ARIZPE, COAH - Eaglerise's Net Electric announced an investment of US$190 million for the installation of a plant that will produce solar electric transformers in Ramos Arizpe, where it will generate 700 jobs.
The company's assistant director, Gilberto Rivera Mireles, said that they are currently in the process of building the first two ships and are expected to start operations by the end of the year, while in a second and third stage, during 2025, they expect to add another two ships.
He noted that the plant will produce solar electric transformers, each weighing approximately 10 tons, which are used by solar farms. These transformers require automated machinery or robots with very precise real-time connectivity, in other words, 5G.
Rivera Mireles commented that the new plant will be installed in Davisa's Santa Maria Industrial Park, and added that Coahuila convinced them for the investment because of its willingness to accept the investment, work together and start a new stage for the company.
The Secretary of Economy, Claudio Bres Garza, pointed out that this project consists of four stages. The first two contemplate two warehouses totaling nearly 31,000 m2 of roofed area, leaving an additional project for the company's growth in the medium term. This is a Chinese-American capital investment and the first of its kind in the country.
The governor, Manolo Jiménez Salinas, indicated that this is the 14th private investment so far in his administration and represents an investment of US$195 million and 700 jobs at the level of engineers or technical specialists, so they will be very well paid jobs for young people in the region.
This is in addition to the US$2.4 billion in investments made by the current government, said Jiménez Salinas, adding that Coahuila continues to grow because it is a safe state, and in this regard he pointed out that a week ago INEGI ranked Coahuila as the state that produces the most vehicles.