Economic spillover of US$35 billion is expected in 2022

MEXICO – The Ministry of Tourism (Sectur) forecasts that there will be an economic revenue of US$35.1 billion derived from air transportation during 2022.
Likewise, Sectur indicated that from January to December 2022, 190, 513 flights are scheduled, which represents an increase of 2.1% over what was registered in 2019. The number of seats scheduled for next year represents an increase of 22.5%.
The five destinations with the highest number of flights and seats in the country will be Cancun, with 56,000,951 flights and more than 10.5 million seats; Mexico City with 55,737 flights and 9.6 million seats; Guadalajara with 15,764 flights and 2.7 million seats; San Jose del Cabo with 16,301 flights and 2.6 million seats; and Puerto Vallarta with 13,174 flights and 2.1 million seats.
Flights to Cancun will have an estimated economic revenue of US$11.7 billion, to Mexico City of US$10.7 billion, to Guadalajara of US$3.01 billion, to San Jose del Cabo of US$2.9 billion and to Puerto Vallarta of US$2.3 billion.
Source: A21