Egypt interested in investing in SLP

SAN LUIS POTOSI – Mexico and Egypt share a vast historical, cultural and business capital, as well as a great tourist attraction, making entities such as San Luis Potosi strategic for investment and commercial activities. An opportunity for companies from the other side of the world to expand their horizons.
In this regard, the Egyptian ambassador Khaled Shamaa visited the state and held a meeting with the governor of San Luis Potosi, Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, in order to know the advantages offered for his fellow entrepreneurs to be interested and invest in this place.
He also said that he has very good information about the productivity of the Central-Bajio region of the country, and the 'great benefits' it offers for businessmen to place their trust and their investment capital.
For his part, Shamaa said that it will try to collaborate with Mexico and San Luis Potosi in the agricultural sector, an activity in which his country is one of the world's leading powers, and which can further detonate the state's economy.
He indicated that this is the first of many visits he will make to Potosi, which will help him to get to know other productive sectors in which the region is a leader, such as tourism and culture, in order to collaborate to make it a world reference.
Source: Lider Empresarial