El Salto industrial corridor expected to attract US$600 million in investments

JALISCO - The Industrial Association of El Salto (AISAC), the second largest industrial corridor in the country, forecasts that this industrial zone, which covers six municipalities in Jalisco, will attract investments of more than US$600 million by 2024.
The president of AISAC, Raúl Güitrón Robles, informed that in 2023, the industrial corridor of El Salto attracted US$550 million that allowed the generation of 6,000 new jobs and reached sales of US$26 billion.
He detailed that by 2024, the investment would exceed US$600 million, which would generate the creation of 6,000 jobs, mainly in the high-tech, electronics, chemical, metal-mechanical and automotive supply chain sectors.
"It is worth mentioning that our companies contribute significantly with 13% of the state's Gross Domestic Product; however, in order to achieve our ambitious projections of growth in investment and employment generation this 2024, it is imperative to address several essential aspects," stressed the president of the association.
According to Güitrón Robles, in order to achieve the investment and employment generation projections for 2024, it is necessary to guarantee the rule of law and solve key infrastructure problems such as highways, ports and the railroad system, as well as public safety, mainly to put an end to the theft of cargo trucks.