Enabling the Mobility Revolution: Global Supply Chain & Logistics Change due to Electrification

GlobalAutoIndustry.com’s latest Audio Interview "Enabling the Mobility Revolution: Global Supply Chain & Logistics Change due to Electrification" hosted by Ron Hesse features Fathi Tlatli. Mr. Tlatli is President Global Automotive Sector at DHL, responsible for global team leadership, strategy and development of the automotive industry activities. In addition, he is Professor and lecturer in global marketing, intercultural management and strategy for various European institutions and writer of a range of articles and books on this subject.
In the 12-minute Audio Interview, Mr. Tlatli discusses these questions:
- What global supply chain trends have you seen emerging as new mobility services and electrification gain momentum?
- How is the transition to electric vehicles impacting the different players along the value chain?
- How must OEMs adapt their inbound logistics strategies to enable this EV transition?
- What infrastructure developments are necessary within supply chains to support global network requirements for EV aftermarket and battery recycling?
- How do you see the importance of collaboration partnerships to adapt to and implement new trends in supply chain design?