Energy project moves forward in Queretaro

QUERETARO - In the first quarter of 2024 and close to the facilities of the Intercontinental Airport of Queretaro (AIQ), the first energy transmission infrastructure will be built in the state, said Mauricio Reyes Caracheo, head of the State Energy Agency.
Mr. Reyes Caracheo reminded that it is foreseen to conclude the whole energy project during this six-year term, which consists of the construction of two substations and 19 load centers in the metropolitan area, which would imply an increase of 50% in the energy supply.
He added that this 2023 is expected to conclude the executive project of the energy infrastructure, and that it will start with the signing of an agreement and contracts with the National Energy Control Center (CENACE) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) by the beginning of September.
"The first one is going to be around the airport, there we are going to build a substation and with that we will start", Reyes Caracheo added.
Currently, he indicated that 1,400 megawatts are consumed in Queretaro, but the energy project plans to add an additional 900 megawatts.
The head of the agency pointed out that the State has the rights over the energy project and therefore will be in charge of its operation; however, it is expected to include the participation of the private sector in the construction of the infrastructure.