Evergo to double its investment in Mexico to US$400 million

MEXICO - Evergo, the electric vehicle charging station platform, modified its investment plans in Mexico and announced that it will double the amount of US$200 million to US$400 million to install the corridor of charging centers from border to border.
Daniel López, Evergo's commercial director, explained that they will build four phases of charging stations over a period of 10 years, focusing on urban areas, shopping centers and corridors that cater to companies that have acquired fleets of electric vehicles.
In an interview with El Economista, Lopez regretted that in Mexico there are no plans to install a renewable energy plant to supply the chargers, since the development of public policy is required to analyze this type of investment, which is around US$1 billion, such as the one recently announced in the Dominican Republic.
"We are going to build 15,000 cargo ports throughout Mexico and our project is divided into four phases, which serve urban areas and cities up to 150 kilometers, 300, 500 and more than 750 kilometers," he said.
Daniel Lopez said that the business of selling electric cars is not only a trend, it is a reality in the world and Mexico, in which the same automakers have modified their production platform and also distributors, in three years, they will sell 50% of green cars and the rest of combustion.