Export manufacturing in Queretaro goes after local suppliers

QUERETARO – The logistics crisis, the increase in maritime costs to import from Asia, and delays in delivery times are points that make evident the need to shorten the distance with suppliers.
The maquila and manufacturing export industry in the state recognizes that one of its challenges is to have its suppliers closer to it, a challenge that worsened with the global logistics crisis and further evidenced the dependence on imported supplies, said the general director of the National Council of the Maquiladora and Manufacturing Export Industry (Index) in Queretaro, Marcela Anaya.
Thus, one of the council's objectives is to motivate its associates to develop local suppliers and reduce dependence on foreign imports.
The logistics crisis, the increase in maritime costs to import from Asia, and delays in delivery times are points that make evident the need to shorten the distance with suppliers.
The maquila and manufacturing export industry in the state recognizes that one of its challenges is to have its suppliers closer to it, a challenge that worsened with the global logistics crisis and further evidenced the dependence on imported supplies, said the general director of the National Council of the Maquiladora and Manufacturing Export Industry (Index) in Queretaro, Marcela Anaya.
Thus, one of the council's objectives is to motivate its associates to develop local suppliers and reduce dependence on foreign imports.
One of Index's lines of work in Queretaro is to create strategies that promote the detection of opportunities in local suppliers.
Source: El Economista