Exports of berries and blueberries increased by 8.78% in the first half of 2022

MEXICO – The Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development (Sader), announced that in the first half of 2022, exports of strawberries (berries) totaled 467,153 tons, 8.78% more compared to the same period of 2021, when 429,428 tons were sold abroad and are located as a whole as the main agri-food export product.
From January to June all varieties of strawberries (blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry and unclassified) had increases in their export volume, which generated an economic spillover of US$2.4 billion, with exports to 38 countries.
The president of the National Association of Berry Exporters (Aneberries), José Luis Bustamante Fernández, said that, in coordination with federal authorities, work is being done to promote productive and inclusive agriculture, with care for natural resources, especially in optimal water management for this subsector.
The shipment abroad of unclassified berries numbered 369 tons, with a value of US$1.4 million and growth of 609% over the same period of 2021, while that of blueberries registered 58,034 tons, with a value of US$513 million and an increase of 5.02% year-on-year.
In the case of raspberry sales abroad, totaled 79,679 tons in the January-June period of this year with a value of US$746 million, 16.13% more compared to the same period of 2021.
In the half-yearly report, the agency indicated that 272,172 tons of strawberries were exported, equivalent to US$748 million, 3.84% more than in January-June 2021, while blackberry exports amounted to 56,899 tons, with an export value of US$481 million, an increase of 39.09% year-on-year.
Sader informed that the berry subsector generates more than 500,000 direct jobs in 22 Mexican states.