Famex 2021 will present two new satellites in Mexico

MEXICO – The Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (Femia), in association with the company Thrusters Unlimited, will present the Geosat-1 and Geosat-2 satellites, both already in orbit and in full operation, during the Mexico Aerospace Fair (Famex 2021).
The Mexican Space Agency (AEM) explained that this alliance, which led to the acquisition of the systems, will strengthen private participation and the economic reactivation of the national aerospace sector.
In this regard, the general director of AEM, Salvador Landeros Ayala, highlighted the articulation of efforts to promote the national industry and satellite infrastructure.
"The confidence of the national industry in our country's space sector is growing and, now, with two powerful satellites, our country's space development and capabilities in this area continue to be strengthened," he said.
All this contributes, added the director of the AEM, to strengthen Mexico's competitive position, initiated more than three decades ago, within the group of countries with a private operational presence in space, access to satellite data reception ground stations and full technical capacity.
Source: Info Defensa