FAMEX 2025 will be a place for SMEs to do aerospace business

FAMEX 2025 will be a place for SMEs to do aerospace business

MEXICO - Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may have a place to participate in the aerospace sector business within the sixth edition of the Mexican Aerospace Fair (FAMEX), provided they come with a well-structured business plan to generate interest among potential investors and establish strategic alliances to boost their development.

This was stated by General Disraelí Gómez Herrera, director of the Mexican Aerospace Fair (FAMEX 2025) in an interview with A21, in which he explained that many SMEs are about to become attractive to investors, but they still need to consolidate certain key aspects and having a clear and viable proposal can make the difference to access financing and new opportunities in the aerospace industry.

The General commented that they have even urged the Secretaries of Economic Development of the states of the Republic to help SMEs to be trained, to give them the training they need for the next stage of development, how to become a good business and bring them closer to possible interested parties in these developments.

He specified that they have invited the aeronautical clusters, the state governments, and their Secretaries of Economic Development to make a good selection of SMEs and projects so that they can present themselves efficiently and effectively at the Fair and hope that they can obtain resources from investors.

One of the main tasks of the aerospace industry for the coming years is to develop the supply chain to increase the national content of the parts exported to the large assembly plants or aerospace equipment factories in the United States and Europe.

Industry companies have been working on this task and FAMEX is a good showcase to put Tier 1 manufacturers in contact with those of the following levels or companies that, coming from other sectors, are reconverting to the aerospace industry.
