FEMIA promotes the development of the aerospace industry in Mexico

MEXICALI, BC - The fourth edition of the seminar "Be an Aerospace Supplier", organized by the Mexican Federation of Aerospace Industry (FEMIA) at CETYS University in Mexicali, was a success, said Carlos Robles Alvarez, president of the organization.
"At the seminar there was the opportunity to meet important tractor companies, the main ones that have a presence in Mexico and others that are trying to do so. In this sense, we can say that they are here because there is interest in the industry in Mexico, which continues to grow," he added.
Enrique Maldonado Cervantes, in charge of Supply Chain Development at FEMIA, explained that the objective of the Seminar was to inform and support companies interested in migrating to the aerospace sector.
The executive added that firms from transversal sectors such as automotive, oil, medical, among others, attended the event, seeking to know if they have the capabilities to meet the needs of the aerospace sector.
Maldonado Cervantes explained that companies that are already in the aerospace sector also attended, with the objective of having the opportunity to learn about new business opportunities.