First sustainable corporate campus inaugurated

LEON, GTO – With an investment of US$22.5 million, HDI SEGUROS inaugurated its new corporate campus in the city of Leon, Guanajuato, in order to strengthen its operations in Mexico and continue to promote its national positioning.
The construction is divided into two phases: the first, recently completed, with a services building, an operations building with capacity for 850 employees and another main building, which cover a site of 23,385 m2. The second phase will be completed in 2026 with an additional operations building for 750 people.
The corporate campus of the fifth largest automobile insurer was built under four guidelines: sustainability, which guarantees savings in water and electricity thanks to efficient materials, reducing the emission of 108 tons of CO2 per year.
At the same time, it reduces water use by 20% with ecological toilets and handles, dry urinals and low-consumption green areas, and has 20% energy savings through the use of efficient materials, such as carpets, glass, waterproofing, wall coverings, paints, among others.
HDI SEGUROS is part of Talanx, the third largest insurance group in Germany and one of the largest in Europe. Since its arrival in Mexico in 2009, it has been one of the fastest growing insurance companies in the country.
Source: A21