Ford Mexico’s Global Solutions Center has new leader

MEXICO – Ford's Global Solutions Center in Mexico, which until January of this year was led by Laura Castro, welcomed Eric Roell as its new director.
Roell has a 30-year track record within Ford Mexico, where he served, until his appointment, as Controller of the Cuautitlán Plant. His financial experience includes marketing, product development, manufacturing, among others.
In addition, the new director of the center, in charge of process optimization and modernization through redesign, simplification and automation, specializes in results analysis and the creation of business strategies.
It is worth mentioning that the Global Solutions Center in Mexico foresees activities for Ford at a global level, in areas such as Product Development, Supply Chain, Engineering, Information Technology, Finance, Human Resources and After Sales to name a few.
It was in 2021 when Ford Mexico was selected as one of the three global business solution centers, as a result, the region increased its talent attraction with more than 850 new professionals.
Through a press release, the company highlighted that the Global Solutions Center has had a growth 2.5 times higher than the initial objective, which demonstrates the great opportunities that exist in Ford Mexico.