GE to install new laboratories in Queretaro

QUERETARO – General Electric (GE) will install two new laboratories in Queretaro: one for the diagnosis of airplane engines and the other specialized in the development of sustainable fuel.
It is worth mentioning that the engine unit is extremely important, since all aircraft engines must currently undergo a series of evaluations and indicators.
Meanwhile, the minister of Sustainable Development (Sedesu), Marco Antonio Del Prete Tercero, mentioned that the laboratory related to sustainable fuel, puts the state at the forefront, especially in view of the trend to decarbonize the economy.
"An issue that puts at the forefront is a laboratory for the development of sustainable fuel, which is currently taking great relevance given the importance of environmental care and decarbonization that the aerospace industry is seeking," he said.
Through GEIQ, he added, the company develops airplane engines, in addition to designing turboprop engines for wind energy; at the center, the company plans to add 135 jobs.
In this context, state officials gave a balance after the tour of Europe, which they made from July 18 to 22.
The entity, together with the Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (Femia), had a stand at the Farnborough International Airshow, in the United Kingdom.