General Javier Sandoval Dueñas, new president of FAMEX

MEXICO – General Javier Sandoval Dueñas was appointed as the new president of the Mexico Aerospace Fair (FAMEX), replacing General Cesar Tapia Jimenez, who held the position since April 2021.
The new president of FAMEX reaffirmed his commitment to the Ministry of National Defense to organize the event, reflecting prestige and leadership among the aeronautical community, promoting the growth and development of the Mexican aerospace industry.
Sandoval Dueñas holds a degree in Military Administration from the Escuela Superior de Guerra, a master's degree in Strategic Studies from the Air War College and a master's degree in National Security from the National Defense College, as well as a master's degree in Defense Science and Inter-American Security from the Inter-American Defense College in Washington, USA.
The General has extensive experience in the aeronautical and military sector. In the past, he has served as Academic Advisor at the Inter-American Defense College, Deputy Director General of the Military Aeronautical Industry and Commander of the Logistics Complex of the Mexican Air Force.
Source: A21