Global Tax and Other Considerations for Designing a Remote Worker Policy

Diane Moore is Senior Manager, Global Employer Services - Expatriate Taxation - with BDO. Diane has more than 25 years of experience in tax consulting, including 3 years with a Big Four firm, and 12 years of experience in the field of expatriate taxation. She has globally coordinated all types of engagements and service offerings ranging from start ups through middle market and including Fortune 500 clients with large global mobility programs.
In the 22-minute Audio Interview, Ms. Moore discusses these questions:
• Can you give us a quick review of globally mobile workers in a pre-Covid world and what we are now seeing as a result of the pandemic?
• Why does a company need to consider developing a policy to cover remote workers?
• How does a company get started with developing a policy? Who are the stakeholders? What should be included?