Government of SLP to carry out industrial promotion in Japan and Germany

SAN LUIS POTOSI – Through an investment attraction tour to Germany and Japan, the Government of San Luis Potosi will begin to fulfill one of its main objectives for 2023, which will be to strengthen diplomatic agreements with other countries.
Given the enormous interest that San Luis Potosi has awakened among investors from different parts of the world to install new companies in the state, the Governor Ricardo Gallardo Cardona announced that he plans to make a tour of attraction and industrial promotion in Asian countries, particularly Japan.
After the start of Daikin's construction works in San Luis Potosi, whose investment will be of US$800 million, the State Governor pointed out that, through the Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco), the state administration will continue reinforcing the promotion and linkage tours with important countries to focus their investments towards San Luis Potosi, therefore, it also seeks to include Germany to look for attractive projects towards the State.
"We have the tour to Germany, but we also have an invitation to Japan, they are the companies that are joining the incentives that we are offering as Government of Change to bring them; we hope that by the end of this year or early next year, more Japanese companies will come', said Governor Ricardo Gallardo.
He added that, for this 2023, one of his main objectives will be to strengthen diplomatic agreements with other countries that derive in the interest to develop important projects that generate a significant income for the State and, consequently, increase employment opportunities.