Groundbreaking ceremony for Bafar Norte Industrial Complex in Chihuahua

CHIHUAHUA, CHIH - With an investment of US$250 million from Fibra Nova, the first stone of the Bafar Norte Chihuahua Industrial Complex was laid in the state capital.
The industrial complex, which is being built on the highway to Ciudad Juárez, will cover an area of 54 hectares and will be able to receive 21 companies.
This is the 15th project that Grupo Bafar has developed in Hermosillo, Juárez, Chihuahua, Monterrey, Reynosa, Guadalajara and Querétaro, as these states are the main locations where it has an industrial real estate presence.
The integral and high-level solutions offered by Fibra Nova, provide this new park with all the services that companies require to be installed, such as natural gas, fiber optics, certified fire protection system, access control, in addition to a convenience store for staff, sports areas and there will be an area to build a nursery like the one that operates in the Bafar Technology Park, located south of the city.
In her speech, Governor Maru Campos assured that the state of Chihuahua has consolidated its position as a national benchmark for growth and innovation, as a result of the economic policy implemented by this administration.