Grupo Bimbo seeks to be zero emissions by 2050

MEXICO – Grupo Bimbo seeks to have more sustainable crops in Mexico through a regenerative agriculture program.
The company's plan is to be a zero carbon company by 2050 and it plans to source 100% of its ingredients from regenerative agriculture.
The program was developed since 2018 with the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (Cimmyt) and with some of its corn and wheat suppliers who are provided with the tool and knowledge to adopt regenerative agriculture, allowing to recover the health of crop soils, capture carbon and, therefore, build resilient ecosystems.
"We began to realize that there was indeed a reduction in emissions in these pilots, for example, we achieved a reduction of 1,65 tons of carbon dioxide and approximately 9.71 million cubic meters of water,” said Héctor Ibancovichi, Grupo Bimbo's Agribusiness Manager.
He added that by 2030, on a global scale, the company will ensure 200,000 hectares of wheat, will be cultivated using regenerative practices.
The program involves 1,600 small, medium and large corn and wheat producers from Jalisco, Sonora and Sinaloa. Farmers receive this benefit directly by using fewer inputs; they are also integrated into a value chain that gives certainty to the destination of their harvests.