Guanajuato and Japan strengthen ties

LEON, GTO – The general director of JuventudEsGto, Toño Navarro, held a meeting with the Consul General of Japan in Leon, Katsumi Itagaki, in which they agreed to promote and generate a better link between the young people of Guanajuato and Japanese companies in the state.
Likewise, it is expected to generate better opportunities for Guanajuato's young people in terms of education, employability and international mobility.
In this regard, Navarro explained that these meetings are intended to integrate all the international relations efforts focused on young people and in this way make them known through different channels, in order to allow youth to know in detail the agreements, discounts, support, opportunities, training and more that the Institute has.
For his part, Enrique Prieto, president of the Board of Directors of JuventudEsGto, mentioned that he plans to establish links with EIKEI University in Hiroshima with the aim of sending more young people to study in the Asian country and in turn, generate academic exchanges with universities in the state.
According to the press release, historically the Institute has had programs of cultural expeditions to Japan since 2017, where it has managed to support more than 400 young people with international, educational or language experiences.
Source: Lider Empresarial