Guanajuato breaks export record by the end of 2022

GUANAJUATO - Guanajuato reached its historical maximum in exports at the end of 2022 with US$31 billion. This represents an 18% increase compared to 2021, which barely reached US$27 billion.
COFOCE's General Director, Luis Rojas Avila, commented that this increase is not only caused by the automotive industry, also the incidence sectors that are everything manufactured in the state such as; handicrafts, footwear, clothing among others, experienced an increase of 25 percent.
One of the sectors that cannot be left aside is the agri-food sector, which is one of the strongest in the state and had an increase never seen before with 24%.
Guanajuato remains in first place in exports at the national level being a non-border state in Mexico; and 6th place in exports at the national level in Mexico, according to information presented by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).
At the end of 2022, all subsectors presented an increase in exports, which for the third consecutive year, continue to grow at double digits.
The food sector, which represents 6 percent of Guanajuato's exports, had a 24 percent variation; the textile industry showed a 35 percent variation compared to 2021; the leather and footwear sector experienced an 18 percent increase from one year to the next; while machinery and equipment had a 69 percent increase in exports at the end of 2022.
COFOCE continues to promote exports by providing constant support to MSMEs through courses, diplomas, training and consulting services that help them internationalize their companies, taking more of Guanajuato to the world.