Guanajuato grows in the aerospace sector

GUANAJUATO - Guanajuato is growing in aerospace, since in addition to the construction of Horizontec's Halcón 2 aircraft, software is being developed for the industry, said the governor of the state, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo.
The state governor mentioned that in the near future, Guanajuato will be a reference in aerospace matters and proof of this is the construction in this territory of a 100% Mexican airplane.
In addition, he said, the entity has software companies that have to do with aviation and radar issues; certified parts to sell to Bombardier and other companies.
"We have good students and good engineers and this starts to generate an ecosystem that, with the Guanajuato aerospace cluster, we are going to go up," the directive said.
He mentioned that a few days ago they held a convention of the Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (FEMIA), in San Miguel de Allende.
"We are going to continue working to make Guanajuato an example of growth in aerospace and not only in the automotive industry," stressed Rodriguez Vallejo.
During his administration, the productive investment amounts to US$5.4 billion, so he is confident that the aerospace sector will go hand in hand with the automotive sector in the future.