Guanajuato positions itself as a leading producer in the aerospace sector

GUANAJUATO - Guanajuato is positioned, nationally and internationally, as a producer of the aerospace sector, said Oscar Rodriguez Yanez, president of the Bajio Aeronautical Cluster.
In an interview with A21, the businessman said that, in recent years, the state has managed to position itself as an important player in the aerospace sector.
Taking stock of the BJX Aerospace Summit 4.0, 2023, held last week in the city of León, Guanajuato, as part of the Industrial Transformation Mexico (ITM) 2023 fair, he said that wills have come together, in addition to the fact that the government has realized the potential of the entity in this sector.
The president of the Bajío Cluster pointed out that the companies in Guanajuato range from the manufacturing sector, to software development, Artificial Intelligence (AI), among others.
He commented that the state is already starting to have companies with AS9100 certification, thus offering a more competitive offer.
"I think the Summit was a great success; being within the framework of the Hannover Messe generates this rich ecosystem of different types of companies and different types of actors, because it is not only the business sector, it is government, academic institutions; that talent realizes that something is happening in Guanajuato," he said.