Guanajuato seeks to boost international logistics

GUANAJUATO – Guanajuato's Foreign Trade Promotion Coordinator (COFOCE) participates in the North American Alliance of Logistics and Supply Chain Clusters (ALCAN), a binational group that will address issues related to the supply chain and logistics.
At the end of last year, this council was formed and held its first official meeting; recently, it held its second meeting in Queretaro in order to define the mission of this Alliance.
"The mission is to contribute to the optimization and innovation of trade, transportation, logistics and supply chains in North America through collaboration, experience and knowledge of available technology." COFOCE's International Logistics Advisory Coordinator commented.
It is worth mentioning that ALCAN has representatives from institutions such as: Laredo Motor Carriers Association (LMCA), the San Luis Potosi Logistics Cluster, the Queretaro Logistics Innovation Cluster (CILQRO), Nuevo Leon Automotive Cluster (CLAUT), an advisory council integrated by Texas A&M International University; among others.
"With this Alliance we hope to generate strategies that favor supply chains and the logistics of each of the companies in general," concluded COFOCE's International Logistics Advisory Coordinator.
The council will continue working to ensure that this binational alliance is beneficial for all those who work in it and that an invitation can be extended for the participation of more places in North America and Mexico.
Source: Lider Empresarial