High winds cause accident at FAMEX inauguration

MEXICO - During the Mexico Aerospace Fair (Famex) 2023 at the Santa Lucia Military Air Base No. 1, bad weather caused several metal structures to fall, resulting in injuries to those attending the event.
According to the official report issued by the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena), it was around 4:00 p.m. on April 26 when a series of intense gusts of wind hit the facilities of the Felipe Angeles International Airport (AIFA).
The strong blizzard caused three of the exhibition stands to be damaged and several of the metal structures supporting the tarpaulins to collapse. According to several witnesses, one of the collapsed iron pipe frames was about 15 meters high.
Those who were at the scene joined the emergency services and elements of the National Guard to move the tent and remove those who had been trapped under it. Another of the materials shared via Twitter showed that the participation of at least 20 people was necessary to lift the structure.
According to the official Sedena report, 13 visitors were injured as a result of this incident, who had "minor injuries" and were evacuated from the site to different hospitals, where they were given the necessary assistance.