Hisun Motors to invest US$152 million in Coahuila

COAHUILA – The automotive company Hisun Motors announced its arrival in the southeast region of Coahuila, where it will invest US$152 million in its new plant that will produce sport and work ATVs (all-terrain vehicles).
Hisun will formally begin operations in May, with production of 5,000 units by 2022, and is expected to generate 1,500 jobs.
According to the state governor, Miguel Angel Riquelme, the investment was made after long conversations with the company, which found in the state not only the human and technical development capital, but also a chain of suppliers necessary for the sector.
The governor also emphasized that Coahuila has the capacity to offer skilled labor of all types in its five regions and recalled that in recent years it has been able to attract investment projects from different clusters.
"Today the arrival of Hisun Motors to our state, a company of Chinese origin 🇨🇳 dedicated to the production of all-terrain sports vehicles, was finalized," mentioned Riquelme.
In this regard, the president of Hisun, Jason Sun, recalled that the company has more than 15 years in the automotive industry in the United States and its objective is to facilitate the work of the agribusiness, entertainment and sports segments.
Sun thanked the state and municipal governments for their support during the evaluation process and indicated that the company expects to produce up to 50,000 off-road vehicles by 2024.
Source: Transportes y Turismo