Hitachi to invest US$ 14 million in Queretaro

Hitachi to invest US$ 14 million in Queretaro

QUERETARO — Hitachi Cable announced the installation of a new production center in Queretaro, which is part of the expansion of the second plant already installed in the entity; US$14 million will be invested in this project and it will generate 620 jobs.

The firm is expected to link with local small and medium-sized companies, to strengthen their production processes and integrate a supply chain in the domestic market, said the governor of Queretaro, Francisco Domínguez Servién.

This production center is expected to start operations in October of this year, in El Marqués Industrial Park, within the metropolitan area of ​​the state, explained the director of Hitachi Cable Querétaro (HCQ), Antonio Vázquez.

Source: El Economista
