HL Mando expands in Coahuila

ARTEAGA, COAH - With an investment of US$185.3 million, the Korean capital company HL Mando announced the expansion of its facilities in Arteaga, Coahuila, where it will reach a total of 1,980 jobs and will now produce state-of-the-art brakes.
HL Mando, which is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, is dedicated to the manufacture of auto parts and specializes in suspensions, steering and brakes. The new plant will be part of its campus located in the Server Industrial Park.
At the announcement of the project, HL Mando CEO Jung Suk Lee recalled that it was in 2015 when Mando announced its arrival in Coahuila, based on factors such as safety, labor force and the support offered by the State Government.
He said that to date they have created just over 1,200 jobs and manufacture the company's three main products, such as suspension, steering and brakes, for customers such as KIA, GM, Ford and Hyundai, among others.
The CEO added that the new facilities will manufacture state-of-the-art brake products, and that Arteaga was chosen because of the region's potential and competitiveness.
For his part, the Secretary of Economy, Claudio Bres Garza, commented that with Mando's new investment in Coahuila it will have 8.4 roofed hectares (5.7 hectares of one building and 2.7 hectares of another), in addition to building more offices.