Huawei installs Innovation Lab in Queretaro

QUERETARO, QRO – The Chinese consortium, Huawei, installed and inaugurated its Innovation Laboratory at the Polytechnic University of Queretaro (UPQ), which aims to promote innovation in students of this university.
In addition, the technology company and the UPQ signed a collaboration agreement to train students in the use and mastery of the technologies developed by this company.
The unveiling of the plaque was attended by the governor of Queretaro, Mauricio Kuri Gonzalez; the vice president of Huawei Latin America and Director of the Mexican subsidiary, Wu Xiaoliang; the director of Mexico GSC, Ing Guangzhi; as well as UPQ authorities.
On the other hand, students from UPQ's Computer Systems Engineering program visited Huawei's plant located in Parque El Marques, in order to achieve the incorporation of students to the company through the Dual Training Model.
Source: Lider Empresarial