Iberdrola seeks to support the aerospace industry

MEXICO - Iberdrola, a Spanish company dedicated to the electricity sector and established in Mexico 25 years ago, said it seeks to support the aerospace industry on its way to decarbonization through various solutions in which they work continuously, as stated by Maria Fernanda Torres Mondragon, Regional Coordinator of Iberdrola Mexico.
“We innovate within decarbonization, we are venturing into other businesses, such as hydrogen generation, we have pilot projects and industrial projects operating, so decarbonization is for us our emblem and we are always looking for new technologies, not only to have it on a research scale but on large scales,” said Torres Mondragón.
In the webinar “Iberdrola Mexico: Road to energy transition in the aerospace sector”, organized by the Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (Femia), the specialist highlighted that for several years they have been working on renewable energy solutions projects such as smart solar or green hydrogen.
“For industries and for the aerospace part, we can offer tailor-made solutions to reduce their emissions and achieve their decarbonization goals.
“Being in the federation, it is not only about being a spectator of what is happening in the aerospace industry, but to be with you, to live what you are living and to have the best proposal to be allies in this path to sustainability,” he said.
Likewise, the chemical engineer invited Mexican aeronautical companies, members of Femia, to electrify their industrial processes in order to be more sustainable and save costs.
Torres Mondragón commented that Mexico has “what it takes” to provide companies operating in the country with the conditions to replace processes that use fossil fuels with renewable energies.
“In other countries there is a little more consolidation, but here in Mexico we do seek to have intelligent networks to improve and optimize the consumption of our customers,” said Torres Mondragón.
He explained that, to this end, the European company will invest 150 billion euros from 2024 to 2030 to boost the generation and consumption of renewable energies, such as those derived from solar, wind or thermal energy capture.
“Some examples of clean energies are hydroelectric, nuclear, wind, eco-generation, biogas, photovoltaic, bagasse and geothermal. Now, what are renewable energies? Well, those that come from natural phenomena, which can be used by humans, regenerate naturally, are available continuously and periodically, and the most important thing for us as an industry,” explained the Regional Coordinator of Iberdrola Mexico.
The specialist in electric energy commented that “depending” on what each industry operating in the Mexican Republic is looking for, will be the supply and the certificate that will be shared with them by Iberdrola, that is to say: it will be the long-term work plan, which can be for 15 years or more.