Iberdrola to support the aerospace industry in Mexico

MEXICO - The Spanish company Iberdrola seeks to support the aerospace industry established in Mexico in the reduction of emissions and thus achieve its decarbonization goals.
“If there is something you are looking for that is not in the portfolio, we can talk about it, since technology is always advancing and there are new projects and if we do not have it implemented in Mexico, we are doing it in another country,” said María Fernanda Torres Mondragón, western regional coordinator of the company in Mexico.
She explained that the firm seeks to be an ally of the industry since it has tailor-made solutions.
“We want to get closer and be within the association (Femia) is not only to be a supplier or spectator but to be with you and achieve the best proposal to be partners on the road to sustainability,” said Torres.
She commented that Mexico has “what is necessary” to be able to provide companies operating in the country with the conditions to replace processes that use fossil fuels with renewable energies.
“In other countries there is a little more consolidation, but here in Mexico we are looking to have smart grids to improve and optimize the consumption of our customers,” the coordinator said.
Torres Mondragón mentioned that some of the electricity solutions that support the energy transition and that Iberdrola provides in Mexico are Smart Solar, which is distributed solar energy generation with isolated supply models, generated through solar panels.
During the webinar Camino a la transición energética del sector aeroespacial organized by the Federación Mexicana de la Industria Aeroespacial (Femia), she said that the company is investing more than 150 billion euros for the generation of renewable energy until 2030, which is part of its strategy in the energy transition.