Mexico will become a leader in solar energy in the next five years, says Trina

Mexico will become a leader in solar energy in the next five years, says Trina

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Over the next five years, Mexico will become the Latin American leader in the photovoltaic (solar) market, said Yang Rongfang, executive vice president of Trina Solar’s Photovoltaic System Business Unit.

During a recent visit to Mexico, the Chinese company official explained that in order for the Mexican market to achieve its development, the company will collaborate actively, adapting the actions they have implemented in other more mature countries and that have proven to be successful.

Furthermore, he explained that although the process for Mexico to reach the top of the photovoltaic market in the region will take time, the fact that the country is located geographically between 14 and 33 degrees of latitude to the north, is ideal for the use of solar energy, since the average daily global radiation is 5.5 kWh/m2 (expression of energy consumption). He pointed out that Durango, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Sonora, Nuevo Leon, Yucatan and Coahuila are the states that have the best conditions to exploit this type of energy.

According to ProMéxico, it is expected that between 2015 and 2020, the world’s demand for photovoltaic energy will grow at an annual rate of 12%. On a global scale, Germany, Italy, China, the U.S. and Japan are the countries that demand this type of energy the most. According to Rongfang, the Mexican market currently covers between 8 and 10% of global operations. However, in the next five years, it is foreseen that the quota will be 15 or 20%.



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