IP and Trademark Protection In The Global Marketplace

IP and Trademark Protection In The Global Marketplace

GlobalAutoIndustry.com’s latest Audio Interview "IP and Trademark Protection In The Global Marketplace" features Fred Rocafort.  Mr. Rocafort is a former diplomat who joined Harris Bricken after more than a decade of international legal experience, primarily in China, Vietnam, and Thailand. His wide range of experience includes starting and operating his own business in Asia, working as an in-house counsel for a Hong Kong-based multinational, as well as many years as a State Department official, providing a client-centric perspective to his legal work. In addition, he is a regular contributor to the award-winning China Law Blog.

In the 23-minute Audio Interview, Mr. Rocafort discusses these questions:

  • Why is IP and trademark protection important in the first place for businesses?
  • From the perspective of an American or Western company, does doing business internationally change IP and trademark considerations?
  • Few companies have an unlimited budget for IP and trademark protection - how should businesses prioritize IP and trademark protection strategies if they are expanding into several overseas markets at the same time?
  • Has the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on IP and trademark protection?
  • What are some of the specific steps that companies can take to protect their IP and trademarks overseas?

