ITP Aero to expand its Querétaro production centre

UNITED KINGDOM - ITP Aero, the aerospace manufacturer, will expand its production centre in Querétaro, where it will add 200 jobs.
The expansion project was confirmed at a meeting between the company's executives and the state government's delegation attending the 2024 edition of the Farnborough International Airshow (FIA), which is taking place in the United Kingdom.
Just as the aeronautical industry is growing, so is the plant that the company operates in Querétaro, said ITP Aero's General Director, Carlos Alzola Elizondo, while mentioning the presence that the company has consolidated two decades after setting up in the state.
‘It is a plant that is growing, aeronautics is growing, but also our presence in Querétaro; we are very grateful for all the support we have locally to continue developing ITP's industrial activity,’ he said.
At the meeting, the governor of Querétaro, Mauricio Kuri González, said that last year the company added 200 jobs and with the new expansion, 200 more will be added by 2024.
He also highlighted ITP Aero's contribution to the development of the aerospace industry at both state and national level, as it was the first company in the sector to set up in Querétaro in 1998.
‘It was the first aerospace company to arrive in Querétaro 26 years ago, (…) from the moment this company arrived, all the others began to arrive, so we are very grateful for the confidence they have had in Querétaro,’ he said.