Jalisco completes five investment projects

MEXICO – The delegation of businessmen and officials from Jalisco that attended Hannover Messe, the world's largest industrial fair, identified five potential investment projects for the state.
The head of the Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco), Roberto Arechederra, explained that the companies interested in investing in Jalisco are from countries such as Brazil, Germany and the United States.
The sectors in which they are seeking to inject their capital are the internet of things, process automation for the electronics industry in the field of aeronautics, automotive, medicine, consumer products, design and manufacture of components for the automotive industry, furniture design and software design.
The official reiterated that, during the visit, two expansion projects were consolidated for the plants that TH Automotive and Vectralis Baumann have in Jalisco, both from the high technology sector, both of which will invest US$6 million in the state.
He also indicated that investors are looking for the cohesion that has been created in Jalisco between the academic sector, civil society, the business sector and the government.
Source: El Economista