Jalisco will have clean energy to attract new investments

Jalisco will have clean energy to attract new investments

JALISCO - Jalisco will have the sustainable energy demanded by international companies to establish themselves in this region, agreed representatives of the industrial sector and the next state government.

The president of the Association of Maquiladora and Export Manufacturing Industries (Index) Occidente, Guillermo del Río, stated that this sector is working in coordination with the state authorities, both the current ones and the team of the governor-elect Pablo Lemus, so that the companies already established here and those seeking to relocate their plants in this region have clean energy available.

“The energy issue, although we know it is of a federal nature, we are already working on it with the state. We know that a new Secretary of Energy is coming that will contribute and facilitate the processes and also at the federal level we see much more openness from the new administration that is very sensitive to the issues”, said Del Río Ochoa.

According to the leader of the maquiladora and manufacturing industry in the state, in the next three years Jalisco will require 350 megawatts (MW) in addition to its current consumption due to the fact that nearshoring will bring new companies, as well as the expansion of projects in companies already established in the state.

“Towards three years, we know that the state is going to require another 350 megawatts, currently 1,300 are consumed, then it is a considerable increase, but if it is done with time, planning and coordination, we will surely be successful and increase all investments and we will have a growth in the state's economy,” stressed the president of Index Occidente.

Guillermo del Río recalled that the blackouts that were recorded in the country due to heat waves in May of this year, mainly affected companies that are connected to the low voltage line.

“In the export sector almost all of us are on high voltage and fortunately we did not have blackouts in that network, but it is an issue that we are working on because we definitely do not want stoppages due to lack of energy.” he said.

For her part, the next head of the Secretariat of Economic Development (Sedeco), Cindy Blanco, highlighted the generation of clean energy as one of the main axes for the growth and development of the economy in the state.

“Today energy is the oil of the new era; if we do not have energy and we do not have the capacity to have substations and accessible energy, but also clean energy, today companies require clean, sustainable energy to be able to come and settle in a region, as an international standard,” she said.
