Jetour to install electric vehicle plant in Mexico

MEXICO – Jetour, the new Chinese automaker arriving in Mexico to market SUVs starting next April, confirmed the installation of a gasoline and electric vehicle assembly plant in the Mexican market by 2024.
The Chinese brand, in alliance with the LDR company, informed that they are in negotiations with different governments, including Aguascalientes and Guanajuato, but also in dialogue with northern states to define an investment that could exceed US$1 billion.
At a press conference held at Jetour Mexico's corporate headquarters, Jack Chen, the brand's Director of International Markets, said that Jetour's strategy will have several stages.
"In 2023, we will market two gasoline SUVs imported from China; at the end of said year, we will introduce a hybrid unit and then invest in 2024 in the factory to produce combustion and electric vehicles.
The announcement of the plant comes in the context of the nearshoring boom and expansion of Chinese companies to conquer the Mexican market, due to the lack of inventory after the shortage of chips and other components.
Jetour's CEO, Victor Villanueva, added that in the first stage of manufacturing in Mexico, some auto parts will be brought from China, especially technology, while the supplier network is being developed.