John Deere cabs to be produced in Ramos Arizpe

RAMOS ARIZPE, COAH – The U.S. Company Deere & Co, known for its John Deere brand, will transfer the production of tractor cabs to its Ramos Arizpe plant, a process that is expected to be completed in 2024.
The company, which specializes in agricultural machinery, announced that its cab production, which currently takes place in Waterloo, Iowa, in the United States, will be transferred to Mexico. The U.S. plant will see an impact on at least 250 jobs.
"The decision to move cab production ensures that the company can balance labor needs within the tight labor market, while ensuring that Waterloo can open up space to manufacture new products," the company said in a statement.
With this, the Ramos Arizpe plant will be responsible for manufacturing tractor cabs and the move is expected to be completed by 2024, bringing jobs to the Southeast Region of the state.
In Ramos Arizpe, Deere & Co. has plants for the manufacture of hydraulic cylinders, front loaders for agricultural and utility tractors, as well as components, where the cabs will be produced.
Source: Vanguardia