Jorge Gutiérrez is appointed Director of AIQ

MEXICO – The Mexican Aerospace Fair (FAMEX) committee congratulated Jorge Gutierrez de Velasco Rodriguez on his recent appointment as director of Queretaro Intercontinental Airport (AIQ).
Gutiérrez Velasco was the founding rector of UNAQ, led the state team and created and consolidated the educational project in conjunction with the Canadian company Bombardier in 2007.
In addition, Gutierrez Velasco is founder of the Aerocluster of Queretaro A.C., President of the Training Commission of the Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (FEMIA), President of the Aerospace Academic Commission of the Technological and Polytechnic Universities and Academic Member of the Academy of Engineering of Mexico (AIM).
By training, the new director is an Electronics Engineer from the Instituto Tecnologico de Queretaro, has two master's degrees, one in Instrumentation and Automatic Control, as well as a master's degree in Administration with a specialization in Senior Management, both from the Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro.
According to FDI intelligence magazine, AIQ is among the top 5 airports in Mexico with the highest national and international mobility. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a 50% growth in the passenger terminal building and more than 150% in the cargo terminal.
It is worth mentioning that in 2020 the AIQ received the Safe Travels international insignia for complying with all the hygiene protocols for safe travel, which positions it as one of the 25 Mexican airports with this safety certification.
Source: Lider Empresarial