Juarez’s construction industry has lost personnel

JUAREZ – The construction industry, which in Ciudad Juarez has not completely stopped, first based on public work and in recent months in the reactivation of private work, faces problems to have the labor needed for the construction of industrial buildings, commercial plazas and homes.
The president of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry in Ciudad Juarez (CMIC), Luis Mario Baeza Cano, said that the process of economic recovery in the region continues, but with some problems due to the lack of personnel who prefer to go to work as workers or technicians inside the maquiladora plants or even informally, because many times they obtain a greater income in maintenance and building of individuals.
The leader said that it is good that there is more economic activity, because at this time the sector has work not only in the new works that it carries out, but also in the internal remodeling or repair work that the maquila demands, although many workers on the construction site also decide to leave to work in companies in this sector.
According to data from the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), from June to August there were ups and downs in terms of personnel employed in the construction industry.
“In June the total was of 12,709 workers, to reach 12,844 in July and go down again, to 12,755 in August with a tendency to continue downwards,” according to Baeza Cano.
Source: El Heraldo de Chihuahua