Judge ordered definitive suspension to section 1 of the Maya Train

CHIAPAS – Second District judge based in Chiapas granted the definitive suspension of the works of the Maya Train within Section 1 (Palenque-Escárcega), requesting the National Fund for the Promotion of Tourism (Fonatur) to abstain from carrying out acts tending to the execution of the project.
The appeal was granted to a group of people belonging to the Ch'ol people, from the communities of Palenque, Salto de Agua and Ocosingo, who legally protected themselves since last May 7th arguing violations of their right to health, as well as environmental effects and their rights as indigenous communities.
As of May 7th, the second district judge decided to grant the provisional suspension, indicating, among other things, that continuing with the works of the Maya Train during the confinement due to the Covid-19 pandemic put at risk the health of the communities as well as their rights to a healthy environment.
Said provisional suspension was revoked by the magistrates of the Collegiate Court in Administrative Matters based in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, arguing that the risk of contagion by Covid-19 derived from works, for the Ch'ol community turned out to be uncertain; however, on June 22nd, the judge decided to grant the definitive suspension.
The judge in charge argued the court decision noting that the inhabitants of the community where the Maya Train will have an impact, specifically in the municipality of Palenque, could resent effects on their legal sphere, specifically on their right to health, since the execution of the project currently collides with the health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The definitive suspension has stopped any activity related to the implementation of the project, except for that related to the maintenance of the roads, until the amparo trial is definitively resolved.
Fonatur announced that in the course of the next few hours it will issue a statement to establish its position on this amparo trial.
Source: El Economista