Key Manufacturing Costs in Mexico for Automotive Suppliers’s latest Audio Interview “Key Manufacturing Costs in Mexico for Automotive Suppliers” features Alejandra Maldonado. Ms. Maldonado is a Project Administrator at Intermex, one of the leading Industrial Real Estate developers and Administrative Services for Maquiladoras. Alejandra has facilitated the soft-landing experience for many foreign companies stablishing operations in Mexico. She represents Intermex at the Mexican Manufacturing Association & Shelter Committee, as well as Chihuahua’s aerospace cluster.
In the 13-minute Audio Interview, Ms. Maldonado discusses these questions:
• When considering manufacturing in Mexico what are the key cost drivers?
• When we talk about site selection, is there a specific location within Mexico that represents significant savings and also stability in business?
• As an example, on average how much does a small operation from 0-50 employees cost per hour?
• Why is the shelter program a possibly better alternative for foreign companies to start operations in Mexico?