Leather manufacturing industry grows in Chihuahua

Leather manufacturing industry grows in Chihuahua

CHIHUAHUA - The transportation equipment manufacturing industry recorded the best year-on-year difference in terms of utilized plant capacity performance, rising from 13.8% in April 2020 to 80.9% in April 2021, a 67.1% differentiation.

In second place is the manufacturing industry of tanning and finishing of leather and fur; manufacture of leather, fur and leather substitute products, which registered 14.8% in April 2020 to 65% in April of this year.

In third place was the manufacture of textile inputs, which had a 31% plant capacity; one year later it was 73.2%, an annual difference of 42.2%.

Total employed personnel in the manufacturing industry increased by 0.2% in April of this year with respect to the previous month, with seasonally adjusted data.

By type of hiring, the number of workers increased by 0.3%, while the number of employees fell by 0.1% at a monthly rate.

It is worth mentioning that in April 2021, hours worked in manufacturing industries were 0.3% higher compared to those of March 2021.

Source: El Heraldo de Chihuahua
